Living Dhamma: study and practice (online)

Free Living Dhamma Online (Advanced booking required)

Living Dhamma Online is an online study and practice group exploring Theravada Buddhist teachings from the Thai Forest Tradition. We are a group of lay Buddhists and people interested in Buddhism who meet online every Thursday to meditate and discuss teachings and practices. Our discussions focus on understanding Buddhist teachings and how we can apply them in our lives. We explore and contemplate the Dhamma primarily from the viewpoint of the Thai Forest masters, such as Ajahn Chah. We take turns leading the sessions, study written texts together, and contemplate them through meditation practice. The focus is on exploring together; we do not expect anyone to ‘teach.’

If you are interested in Buddhism, have some experience in meditation practice, and have an active interest in the teachings of the Thai Forest Tradition, you are very welcome to join us every Thursday from 7.00 to 8.30 pm Thai time. See your local time on the sidebar. We meet via Zoom. There is no cost. Discussions are in English.

To find out more or join a meeting, please send an email

What you need to attend an online event

  • Internet connection: get stable
    If your WIFI is not stable, we recommend using an ethernet cable to connect your device directly to your home internet router.
  • A computer laptop or mobile device that has a camera
    You can use a laptop computer or mobile devices are ok, too.
  • Quality Audio Speaker or Headset and cable
    Recommended to have in-ear headphones or a headset. Don’t forget to fully charge your devices.
  • Free Zoom user account
    Sign up for a free account with Zoom so you can look around and get to know its settings. Check out the audio and camera settings options.

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 27 2025
  • Time: 07:00 - 08:30




ONLINE on Zoom

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